MSA Stage 5 School of Architecture

Conor Kennedy Jenkins


Postgraduate Diploma of Architecture student and recent Bachelor of Architecture graduate, with key interests in the residential, urban design and placemaking sectors.

Primer Projects: ‘Port’ & ‘Land’
Thresholds of Arrival & Transparency of Governance
NGS ‘Imagine Glasgow 2023’ Exhibition

Primer Projects: ‘Port’ & ‘Land’

A speculative proposal exercise as an introduction to the Stage 5 Thesis city of Marseille. Both propositions follow along the principles of ‘Under’ and ‘Over’ from Le Corbusier’s Unite d’Habitation, whereby public leisure activities are carried out at an elevated scale while essential services and circulation continue to operate below.

Both primers envisage a new public realm elevated above their respective contexts – with the ‘Port’ proposing a sporting facility suspended over the Vieux Port and ‘Land’ envisaging the existing A9 motorway redesigned as an elevated public pathway, supplemented with new market spaces below.

Primer 'Port'

Primer 'Land'

Thresholds of Arrival & Transparency of Governance

This Final Design Thesis proposal is situated within the existing Ville de Marseille government complex at the Vieux Port, establishing a new municipal Debate Chamber with supplementary public gathering and cultural exchange facilities alongside additional ancillary office space for public services.

Using the footprint of the original subterranean government offices, the proposal aims to elevate these spaces to ground level and act as a physical, visual marker of democratic government activity. Encouraging both new arrivals to Marseille alongside the existing communities to engage in public debate, cultural and artistic exchange and to provide spaces for core essential services such as language education, legal advice, municipal enrolment and employment assistance to take place.

Site Context

Site Axonometric

Ground Floor

First Floor

Second Floor

Section: Debate Chamber

Façade Structure Axonometric

Section: Looking West

Elevation: Looking East

NGS ‘Imagine Glasgow 2023’ Exhibition

‘Glasgow & the M8: Placemaking in the Fragmented Urban Realm’

Selected for the NGS’s ‘Imagine Glasgow 2023’ exhibition in November 2023, this proposal is a continuation and further development of my previous Bachelor’s thesis of the same title.

A speculative intervention within the fragmented urban realm found under the M8 motorway, this proposal aims to address the disused spaces under one of Glasgow’s busiest motorway bridges. Through the application of Placemaking principles, this proposal creates a public realm link between the City Centre and Anderston Quay.

Proposal Overview

Site Plan

Landscaped Gardens

Transport Interchange