School of Fine Art Sculpture & Environmental Art
Eleanor Collier
My work is inspired by recollections of my own early years and uses period objects, toys, games, images and visual narratives to create artistic interpretations designed to evoke collective and personal memories and impressions of childhood and home, whilst also examining the importance of place and a sense of belonging to our life journeys. My work uses new, repurposed and familiar materials along with colour, form and scale to establish and enhance recognition and connection with viewers whilst also suggesting the inevitability of the passing of time.
I enjoy using a variety of simple materials and ways of making and often include representations of iconic objects to suggest narrative and encourage audience recognition and personal reminiscences and I add to add interactive element to try and enhance that connection. Whilst my installation is interactive, I also use music and moving images of place and found footage projected onto a textured, less defined surface to underlines how vague and imperfect memories can be.