School of Fine Art Sculpture & Environmental Art

Eleanor Collier


My work is inspired by recollections of my own early years and uses period objects, toys, games, images and visual narratives to create artistic interpretations designed to evoke collective and personal memories and impressions of childhood and home, whilst also examining the importance of place and a sense of belonging to our life journeys. My work uses new, repurposed and familiar materials along with colour, form and scale to establish and enhance recognition and connection with viewers whilst also suggesting the inevitability of the passing of time.

I enjoy using a variety of simple materials and ways of making and often include representations of iconic objects to suggest narrative and encourage audience recognition and personal reminiscences and I add to add interactive element to try and enhance that connection. Whilst my installation is interactive, I also use music and moving images of place and found footage projected onto a textured, less defined surface to underlines how vague and imperfect memories can be.

Degree Showcase

Degree Showcase

Large Salt Cellar

1 meter high Salt Cellar made from 2.7m2 paper.

Stack of Salt Cellars

Assorted size Salt Cellars made from Pastel Paper, White Paper, Child's Colouring Book and Chrome Spray Paint

'LIFE' Sliding Wooden Puzzle

Wall mounted oversized interactive puzzle with 31 individually crafted wooden pieces forming the work 'LIFE' when resolved. Mostly the 'LIFE' is messed up.

Kites and String

Two reimagined kites made from wooden dowels, white garden wire and paper doilies suspended from a wire hanger. Strings criss cross the space and impact the projected video image.

Projection Screen

2.6m x 2m screen formed with 567 paper shapes on a white bedspread stretched over a bespoke wooden frame.

Projected Play Time and Place Video

Ten minute video with music soundtrack. Filmed in Partickhill, Glasgow and Ayrshire and mixed with found images of children playing and BBC Hyndland Dining Hall Documentary (1968).

Degree Show Installation

Play Time and Place

10 minute Degree Show Video projected onto a screen made from a 2.6 x 2 meter wooden frame, king size bedspread and 567 folded paper salt cellar shapes. The degree space is quite bright so the video appears intentionally blurry and indistinct to viewers reflecting the vague nature of memories. The linking images running throughout the video were filmed during a walk round my childhood neighbourhood of Partickhill in Glasgow and to these I added an extract from a BBC documentary from 1968 about school meals filmed in the long demolished Hyndland Dinner School, plus images of salt cellars being used as Fortune Tellers and found vintage footage of children playing and empty swing parks. There was an accompanying audio consisting of 3 songs by Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam ('If You Want To Sing Out, Sing Out', 'Oh Very Young' and 'Wild World') plus 'Wild Horses' by Jacky - voted the country's favourite children's TV theme. Unfortunately unable to stream these original Copyrighted tracks with the video as my PRS Licence only covered the degree show.

Make Your Own

Paper and instructions to make a Salt Cellar

What do you call it?

Stack of Salt Cellars


Projector Screen


Salt and Snakes

Scale Model of Degree Show Space

Day One of Degree Show

'Make your Own' in action

Day One

Growing stack of salt cellars made by visitors.

Who ate all the sweeties?

Empty jar the after opening night - need to stock up.

Public Stack - Day 5

Public Stack - Day 8