MSA Stage 5 School of Architecture

Elli Hadjimarkou

Library of Recipes

Library of Recipes

Contemplating the concept of an ethical city led me to reflect on what attributes contribute to its ethical standing. To me, an ethical city provides a welcoming space for all its inhabitants, fostering a sense of belonging and embracing their diverse backgrounds. This inclusivity creates a melting pot where individuals can authentically express themselves, irrespective of their ethnicity, culture, religion, color, or sexual orientation. Marseille stands out as a prime example of such a multicultural city, drawing people from various corners of the globe to call it home. Its remarkable diversity seamlessly blends, forming a vibrant mosaic of cultures.

The city’s markets serve as vivid showcases of this cultural richness, where one can visually perceive, smell, and taste the diverse array of offerings. Immigrants, in their quest for a better life, bring with them tangible reminders of their cultural heritage, such as cherished recipes passed down through generations. These culinary traditions hold the power to evoke memories and connect individuals with their roots.

With this in mind, I aimed to foster a welcoming environment where people of different ethnicities could come together to explore various cuisines, cooking techniques, and food-related traditions. This culinary exchange serves as a conduit for cultural understanding and brings individuals from diverse backgrounds closer as they share the intimate experience of preparing and enjoying meals together. Through this initiative, people have the opportunity to share their culinary traditions and ancestral recipes, thus contributing to the preservation of cultural heritage. In essence, this concept not only cultivates unity among individuals but also serves as a repository of treasured recipes from around the world, spanning generations


Section & Elevation


Structure Axonometric Glue Laminated Timber



Interior renders of the kitchens and the library