School of Fine Art Sculpture & Environmental Art
James Arkwright

I am an environmental artist from South London. I believe in celebrating culture, the integrity of self-expression, and the importance of sharing ideas.
My work seeks to promote these values through public space intervention. Whether modifying existing infrastructure, or engineering something completely new, I am always seeking to connect disparate lives in alienating times.

Carpet the Kelvin Way
Carpet the Kelvin Way is a collaborative project between myself and Joseph Cole (Product Design) which reimagines public space using DIY interventions.
This culminated in an event on May Day 2024, where we installed 288m² of carpet on Kelvin Way, a road which was pedestrianised during the pandemic.
The carpet was all sourced second-hand in Glasgow and woven into a patchwork grid of 1m² tiles, each unique and with its own latent backstory.
In a time of relentless redevelopment, this project celebrates local history as much as it speculates about the dormant potential of public space.