Fine Art Photography School of Fine Art
Saul Crumlish
know as we are also known
Heavily informed by Erikson’s theories on life stages, ‘Know as we are also known’ looks at underlying aspects of human nature present in youth and adolescence.
Saul presents ‘The Circle of Courage’ as a conceptual backdrop for the series – a model of positive youth development coined by Larry Brendtro, Martin Brokenleg and Steve Van Bockern, underlining the 4 key sections crucial to youth development as: independence, mastery, belonging and generosity. The series attempts to highlight the importance of these aspects of human nature in this crucial point in time, and the ways in which these attributes present themselves. In our current society of enmity, how do these human needs invoke care?
‘Know as we are also known’ is self-referential in nature, with the photographer’s own experiences and relationship to Glasgow and its periphery at play – highlighting the long lasting and character defining impact and mental marks these pivotal years leave on us all.
Speculative gestures are deployed throughout: looking out into the distance, grabbing a cuff for security, brushing a hand along the close wall. All of which aim to provoke thought about our needs, coping mechanisms, and both our tactile and mental relationships with our environment.
The colour blue acts as a device to link the images together, thus creating a full circle. Blue is the colour of the distance, which we look to for solitude, as we head towards the feared or wished for future.