Master of Fine Art School of Fine Art
Siqi Yang

Siqi Yang (born 2000)
Born in Shandong, China, recently based in Glasgow, UK.
Influenced by her traditional upbringing, family background and personal memories, Siqiyang’s work focuses on topics such as childhood trauma and stereotypes of female identity. Through the medium of sculpture, painting, text and video, she tries to experiment with unspecified symbols, exploring the relationship between symbolic language and women’s identity, and attempting to counteract the grand narratives of collectivism with personal expression.

wood cabinet, wood table, mirror, framed leaf, pebble, round card, ceramic flower, sand, clay powder, incense, calendar paper, fabric, metal holder with framed raster illustration, doorbell, wood foldable stool
Video (7‘’monitor) 0:34mins
Video (7’’monitor) 0:53mins
Video (7’’monitor) 1:09mins
Video (14’’CRT monitor) 2:31mins
Video (14’’CRT monitor) 2:23mins
Photography printed on pillow
Family life rules
Text print on paper, handwrite on paper