Part 2 – Celebrate

Part 2 showcases the documented and archived designs celebrated through an art installation where the objects for exploration are pinwheels or Firki. Pinwheel type A represents the documented and digitised designs (Edition of 50). At the same time, pinwheel type B (Edition of 25) highlights the voices of the people (responses gathered via survey that engaged with their perception towards celebrating the visual landscape of India).

Pinwheel Type A

Showcasing the documented and digitised archive of the hand-painted signs Edition of 50 Digital print with rubber stamp

Inside page of the pinwheel type A

Showcases the digitized version of the sign, translation, city it was documented in, language as well as the number of the edition.

Back side of the pinwheel

Mounted on bamboo dowel with thumb pin (including a rubber clutch for safety)

Pinwheel Type B

Showcases the 'Voices of the People' Edition of 25 Digital and rubber stamp print
Highlighting the various responses gathered via survey (Voices of the People)

Back side of the pinwheel type B

Includes the rubber-stamped designs as a part of the main pinwheel
Rubber stamp prints on one-sided colored paper
Rubber stamp prints on one-sided colored paper
Rubber stamp prints on one-sided colored paper