MDes Communication Design School of Design

Erin Chen

I am an illustrator with prior experience as a stage designer in Beijing. The mundane details of everyday life inspire my work. My final project focuses on food nostalgia among the Chinese diaspora in Glasgow. My work seeks to evoke childhood memories through observation of sensory experiences informed by research, personal memories and observational drawing.

Taste of Nostalgia
New Plants Collection
Travel Again

Taste of Nostalgia

My work employs screen-printing with a limited colour palette. My colour palette adopts the palette of traditional Chinese painting connecting the origins of foods in China with their current expression in Glasgow. Often the versions of foods evident among the Glasgow diaspora provide an insight into the food traditions at a fixed point in time, reflecting the era at which the Chinese migrants brought their original recipes to Glasgow. In contrast, the food culture in China continues to evolve and change.

Illustration: This image depicts the connection between sense of diaspora food and childhood memories.

Salty memory

The saltiness is a balanced taste for me. Reminds me of some childhood games related to balance.
For Sale: 120

Salty Pattern

The illustrations are printed on the fabric, emphasising the recreation of childhood memories with repetitive patterns.
Illustration: This image depicts the connection between sense of diaspora food and childhood memories.

Sweet memory

Sweetness is a joyful taste for me. Reminds me of some childhood memories of playing with friends.
For Sale: 120

Sweet Pattern

The illustrations are printed on the fabric, emphasising the recreation of childhood memories with repetitive patterns.
Illustration: This image depicts the connection between sense of diaspora food and childhood memories.

Acid memory

The sour taste is an unattainable feeling for me. It reminds me of some childhood memories that I envy others.
Illustration: This image depicts the connection between sense of diaspora food and childhood memories.

Bitter Memory

The bitter taste is a feeling of things not being what they should be for me. Reminds me of some tough or stuck childhood memories.
Illustration: This image depicts the connection between sense of diaspora food and childhood memories.

Spicy Memory

The spiciness is like a thrill. Reminds me of some childhood memories of being suddenly startled.

New Plants Collection

When I toured the Glasgow Botanical Garden, I saw a kind of tropical plant in my hometown in the Glasgow botanical garden, and I felt a connection between my hometown and Glasgow. The plants, like humans, travel and settle down in a new city. This story will show the diaspora how to live in a new place.


Cover of the booklet



Zizi plant


Bajoo Trees


Mahogany Wood

Travel Again

This is a comic about covid travel restrictions during a time when I missed cross-country travel and interaction without social distance. Characters from the comics are also being missed, they missed their trip to Prague during the covid and packed their bags to go back again.

Travel Again- Page1

They missed their trip to Prague during the covid and packed their bags to go back again.

Travel Again-Page2