Interior Design School of Design

Mathilde Finidori

Children s Hospital specialized in physiotherapy

Children s Hospital specialized in physiotherapy

Children s Hospital specialized in physiotherapy

What is it ?

It is a public paediatric hospital specialising in physiotherapy. It provides physical rehabilitation after an accident or an operation, learning to live with a chronic disease or a disability, correcting psychological disorders such as eating disorders and other disorders.

Where is it ?

I chose a location in the Glasgow metropolis, in an area close to the nature.

The area: Dalmarnock

The building: Cotton Spinning Mills

The address: 121 Carstairs Street, Glasgow G40 4JQ

Why is it there ?

The building must be accessible by transport: both close to a metro station and along major roads.In addition, the building is located in a green area and moreover the area is integrated into a large renovation and housing project by the city of Glasgow with mixed-use projects.

Who is it for ?

This paediatric hospital is intended for both

– its patients: children aged from 1 to 19 years for stays of several weeks or months

– the patients’ families

– the medical staff: doctors, nurses, nursing auxiliaries, psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nutritionists, etc.

The age difference between patients must be considered, without forgetting that some have disabilities, physical illnesses, injuries to be treated and others psychological injuries.

What is the ambition of my project ?

The aim is to get out of hospital and to be as independent as possible.

This centre welcomes children between one and 19 years old.

For a rehabilitation period of three to six months or more.

What can be found in this Children s hospital ?

Spaces dedicated to care and rehabilitation such as a swimming pool and a sports hall for

rehabilitation Medical areas.But above all, public spaces to create links and activities for the children.For this project I will focus on this type of space, my goal is to create a hospital that looks as little as possible like a medical space, to make people forget as much as possible about the disease and the handicap.

What is the concept ?

The concept of the project is a paediatric hospital integrating inclusive design and biophilic


– nature enters the hospital, a large biophilic atrium is the heart of the hospital, the views from the rooms look out onto a garden

– the school and library allow children to continue their education

– recreational, artistic and cultural activities are provided

– sports activities are integrated such as horse therapy, swimming, ball games

– cooking classes are organised especially for children with eating disorders

– accompanying families are not forgotten : I would like to create a new type of public hospital by integrating parents into the care process by creating accommodation for them

– nor the staff : I would also like to create a 24-hour day care centre to enable nursing staff who work at night to look after their children

In order to allow a return on investment, certain sports activities (introduction to horse riding, aqua gym), artistic and cultural activities will be accessible to the inhabitants of the district.

Aim of this project

To create a space that looks as little like a medical centre as possible.

To bring normality, joy, colour, light and communal living spaces to facilitate meetings and games between children.


physical and psychological pain.

age differences of the children.

What is inclusive design ?

Inclusive design in healthcare means developing understanding and empathy by focusing on supporting patients, families, and caregivers. The inclusive design take care of what the many different people we encounter in the hospital need to feel comfortable in a space and receptive to a health interaction. It is important to listen to the needs and preferences of all users instead of designing healthcare facilities where everyone feels included.

What is Biophilic Design?

Healthcare design has traditionally focused on functionality, efficiency and speed of treatment. This does not mean that it has to be cold and uninviting. What about the experience of the space? Biophilic spaces speed up patient recovery and even reduce the need for some drugs: a biophilic design for the atrium could be seen as an investment rather than a cost!












Children s hospital

User profile

Biophilic Atrium

VR 360° Image

Interior perspective


