Fine Art Photography School of Fine Art
Pietro Fabio Fodaro
Exploring the dream imagery theme, pausing, and freezing images of subjects and objects/elements that attract my interest. The unconscious world, or the world of dreams through photography and moving images, is the aim of my practice, experimenting with the double role as photographer-photographed, filmmaker and actor, or model and photographer and, sometimes, as a neutral observer of the world surrounded by beauty and madness.
FRA. RO. RO. is, in part, self-representation but with a different kind of doppelgänger. The idea moved from the intention to see the possibility of investigating the past and present in a type of reflection on the past and present of others. In detail, I focused on my parents and a friend’s memories and stories. This work intends not to provoke a nostalgic feeling; every nostalgic moment in this project is unintentionally unintended.
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self-portraiture practice
The doppelgänger imagery theme through the self-portraiture genre is one of my practice subjects. The duplication (or multiplication) of the person’s face/body is the primary captivation of my photography project. This fascination with the face and body, their shapes, expressions, and all varieties of body language show that the face and the body are continuously reshaping like several masks one could wear, and photography enables the capture and freeze of one of many moments in this never-ending transformation.